Site icon The Tripp Center

Legacy Giving

In addition to one-time gifts, Legacy Gifts, which are sometimes referred to as planned or deferred giving, are incredible thoughtful and important ways that virtually anyone can employ to support an organization, such as the Tripp Center, in greater ways than many would think possible.

You may wish to consider:

– Providing for the Tripp Center in your will or living trust.
– Designating the Tripp Center as a beneficiary of accounts you hold at your financial institution.
– Naming the Tripp Cener as sole or partial beneficiary of your retirement plans or life insurance.

In other words, if you have a will, or accounts at a financial institution, a retirement plan, or a life insurance policy, you can become a legacy donor today! Please consider joining us as we serve our community for generations to come.

For more information please contact our director, Tiffany Price, by calling 1(512)955-4607 or by emailing

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